The Book

Doreen - Portrait (B&W) SquareDOREEN’S DIARY:
The life of an indomitable woman in Warwickshire during World War II

Doreen’s Diary has now been published by Leek Wootton History Group, entitled, Doreen’s Diary: She Could Not Have Loved More.

Doreen Wright’s diary, written between May 1940 and December 1942, was discovered by her family after her death. As well as being a precious family heirloom, it is a unique historical record and is reproduced here in its entirety.

“This is a diary, sometimes wrenching, often compelling, in which a young woman struggles to hold on to her missing husband, to keep him alive in her mind, and to push aside the possibility that he might be dead.”
Robert Malcolmson*, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario)

*Professor Malcolmson is an eminent Canadian historian who has devoted most of the last ten years to editing English diaries for publication

School Learning Packs

In addition to the book we will be working with Warwickshire County Council’s Heritage Education Team to provide resource packs for schools throughout Warwickshire.
