The Oral Archive

Doreen - Portrait (B&W) SquareDOREEN’S DIARY:
The life of an indomitable woman in Warwickshire during World War II

Leek Wootton History Group is taking this opportunity to begin an Oral Archive of the Civil Parish of Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe.  The HLF grant has provided us with the opportunity to purchase recording equipment.

Wartime Reminiscences

Within the Doreen’s Diary project we will be recording the reminiscences of members of the community about World War II.  This is a precious opportunity to record the voices of the senior members of the community and will present participants with an opportunity and younger members of the community will be able to share family stories.

During World War II Leek Wootton and the surrounding countryside provided a safer haven for the inhabitants of the nearby industrial towns and cities.  As well as the official evacuation of children to the area, whole families made nightly journeys out of the Coventry area by any means possible and the Wright family, amongst others, readily took them in.  Other houses within the parish were used as auxiliary hospitals, satellite factories and there were gun emplacements/military facilities and a prisoner of war camp within the parish boundary.

We would like the Oral Archive to include as many reminiscences of people who have any link with the parish during this time.  If you would like to take part or know someone who would, please contact us.

Doreen’s Diary: The life of an indomitable woman in Warwickshire during World War II
is a Leek Wootton History Group project in partnership with Warwickshire County Record Office
and supported by Heritage Lottery Fund
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