The Collection

Doreen - Portrait (B&W) SquareDOREEN’S DIARY:
The life of an indomitable woman in Warwickshire during World War II

Along with the diary itself, Doreen’s family has lodged a large quantity of papers and related documents at Warwickshire County Record Office (WCRO) for safe-keeping.

These include:

  • Letters (including: from her parents in Ceylon during her school days; around the time of her engagement and marriage in 1934; wartime correspondence and relating to Gilbert’s disappearance and; post-war correspondence)
  • Press clippings and memorabilia relating to Doreen’s pre-war sporting achievements
  • Cards and ephemera
  • Examples of her art and design work

The collection remains in the ownership of the family, but will remain at the WCRO for a minimum of 10 years after the end of the project.

Archiving the collection

The HLF grant included an allowance to have the collection professionally catalogued and added to the WCRO online catalogue, to reach a local, national and worldwide audience and to enable others to utilise and research the collection.

The catalogue is now available to view on line (CR 4356).  It contains over 1,500 separate catalogue references and includes letters, photographs, diaries, art & design work and materials, and medals.

Doreen’s Diary: The life of an indomitable woman in Warwickshire during World War II
is a Leek Wootton History Group project in partnership with Warwickshire County Record Office
and supported by Heritage Lottery Fund
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