Learning Packs

Doreen - Portrait (B&W) SquareDOREEN’S DIARY:
The life of an indomitable woman in Warwickshire during World War II
Contact: info@doreensdiary.org.uk

Learning Pack Book Cover

The Pack contains:

  • A Teachers’ Guide Book: Learning Pack Book (2012 08 06)(Min Qty)
  • A copy of Doreen’s Diary: She Could Not Have Loved More
  • A Resource CD (including oral history)
  • A World War II Walk in Leek Wootton & Hamlets leaflet

The aim of the Pack is to give teachers ideas for using the primary resource of Doreen’s Diary: She Could Not Have Loved More in their teaching plans. It addresses areas of knowledge skills and understanding in the current history curriculum and links to the study of World War II.  It also strongly supports literacy through its creative writing focus. This element of the project has evolved in consultation with the user group.  It is an excellent education pack providing a rich mixture of superb primary resources, including artefacts, maps, drawings, photographs and carefully selected Doreen’s Diary entries. All the primary resource material is comprehensively linked to interesting, curriculum relevant practical activities that encourage creativity, critical literacy, historical investigation and creative writing. A further excellent inclusion in the pack is the supported use of the local historic environment and relevant local sites. The inclusion of readily accessible activity sheets with examples for each of the subject areas allows the pack to be used by both new and experienced teachers alike.

This Pack is available for use and has been dispatched to 70 local schools via Warwickshire County Council. Others will be distributed directly to local independent schools.

From Doreen’s Diary Evaluation Report
November 2012

If you would like further information about the Learning Packs, please contact info@doreensdiary.org.uk

Doreen’s Diary: The life of an indomitable woman in Warwickshire during World War II
is a Leek Wootton History Group project in partnership with Warwickshire County Record Office
and supported by Heritage Lottery Fund
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